Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes He Can

It is over. Change is coming to America. Last night, Americans turned their backs on the eight years of republican misrule. They elected Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States. The country drew breath and stepped back from the edge.

Senator John McCain conceded last night in Phoenix, defeated by overwhelming odds. The appallingly partisan tactics of the McCain campaign failed to move the American public. In his concession speech in McCain said, “My friends, we have — we have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clear.” McCain recognized the significance of the result, “this is an historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for African-Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight.”
At midnight last night, President elect Barack Obama strode onto the stage in Chicago, in front of an estimated one hundred thousand ecstatic supporters, and no doubt, millions across the world. In his acceptance speech, Obama honored this historic moment in American history. “If there is anyone out there who still doubts America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our fathers is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer,” he said.
After sweeping away the partisan politics of the last eight years, in a single bound, Obama was pragmatic about American’s problems, “And I know you didn't do this just to win an election. And I know you didn't do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime — two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.”

Obama promised change and that change was evident on my journey home on the ‘A’ train last night in New York. At 1.30 a.m., I was waiting for the ‘A’ train at 59th Street Station at Columbus Circle; as the train pulled into the station and the doors opened a spontaneous roar of ‘Obama’, ‘Obama’ came from the carriage full of twenty somethings. There followed spontaneous clapping and fist pumping in the air. One young woman shouted, “America has won.” The noise died down as the train left the station. Then as we pulled into 50th Street station, the roar started again, but this time people in the carriages behind joined in the cheers. I left the train at 34th Street as the uproarious choir sang on.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Obama V's McCain in the First Presidential Debate

The first presidential debate got under way on Friday, in Mississippi. Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama had a frank and spirited discussion on the major issues of the day, including the economy, Iraq, Iran and Russia. The debate was billed as a foreign policy debate, however, the first 45-minutes was spent on the US fiscal crisis.

McCain the republican candidate came out fighting, accusing Obama of supporting $820 million dollars in pork barrel spending. In the beginning, Obama was forced onto his heels, and spent a precious time fending off McCain’s accusations, but gained his footing when he had a chance for rebuttal. For his part, Obama tied McCain to the administrations failed tax policy, accusing him of offering no new tax proposals. When asked what spending cuts the candidates would make to pay for the $700 billion dollar bail out, McCain appeared more decisive, offering a freeze on spending, while Obama struggled on specifics.

“Walking the walk and talking the talk. Look at records, who fought against ear mark spending,” McCain said. Obama said, “95% of all Americans would get a tax cut,” while accusing McCain of wanting to tax health care benefits.

On Iran, McCain scored points off Obama, accusing him of wanting to sit down with high-ranking Iranian leaders without pre-conditions. In turn, Obama attempted to tie McCain with the administrations failed diplomatic policies not just with Iran, but also on North Korea. Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State, played a pivotal role in the Iranian debate. Obama said Kissinger, a McCain advisor, supported diplomatic talks with Iran. McCain denied Kissinger approved Iranian talks. For the record, Kissinger agrees with diplomatic talks with Iran.

John McCain stressed his judgment and experience, while Obama stressed change from the status quo.

On Iraq, Obama pointed out that McCain supported the war in Iraq, emphasizing his bad judgment..
“John, you said the war was going to be over quickly. You were wrong. You said we knew where the weapons of mass destruction were. You were wrong,” Obama said.
For his part, McCain accused Obama of failing to support the troops by voting against financing the troops.

The two candidates did not hold back in an open debate on the issues. We learned the differences between the candidates for president. I thought Obama held his own against McCain whose specialty is foreign policy. I call the debate even.

The debate took place at the University of Mississippi or Old Miss. as it is called - made famous 50-years ago when two students died protesting the enrollment of the first black student in the college’s history. By hosting the debate, Old Miss. wanted to dispel its Southern racist past. It was not that long ago that Old Miss. allowed the flying of the Confederate flag at its football games. It still allows the playing of ‘Dixie’ at the games.

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's the Economy Stupid

It is astonishing how quickly John McCain’s prodigy, the reverend Sarah Palin, has fallen out of the media spotlight. It might be the post-republican convention bump has faded into the distance, or could it be that the US faces a real crisis, an economic crisis, that could herald the fall of capitalism, similar to the fall of communism not that long ago.

The rightwing are nursing their hangovers after drinking from the Palin cup; and now face the realities of a new dawn. The US financial markets and consequently their 401K plans are in trouble. Their ubiquitous 401’s or retirement funds, that were pushed on the US folk as a means for them to control their own financial destiny, (“How’s that working for ye?” as Dr. Phil says.) could crumble before their own eye’s, like yesterdays news headlines about hockey moms and lipstick.

Now it appears that the good ol US of A is in a crisis not seen since the Great Depression. Suddenly, Palin’s shortcoming as a possible vice president (God forbid President) flood into the light. She has no real economic experience – except running Wasilla’s town budget for two terms as Mayor – leaving it in debt. We know John McCain has no economic clue. We only have to look at his economic advisers to figure that out. Phil Graham, the former Senator from Texas and one of McCain’s top economic advisor’s called the fiscal crisis a ‘mental recession.’

So, after all of Palin’s talk about guns, hockey moms and keeping us safe from the Russia seems pointless – like running an air conditioner in winter, when faced with real challenges. The shallowness of McCain’s choice becomes apparent. You wonder if he now wishes he had chosen a different ‘maverick’, maybe one with more experience, like Mitt Romney.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Palin the Pied Piper of the Far Right

Stop the presses – scratch that – don’t stop the press, they are the only ones vetting the (possible) next vice president of the United States, and possible leader of the free world. Let us have a look at what we have found out so far.

Palin said, “Not thanks to the bridge to nowhere.” Well, not exactly - she said yes and then said no – to the bridge when she knew it was not going anywhere. However, she did accept the earmarked money.

She has commanded troops. As Governor of Alaska, she has command of the Alaskan National Guard but she did not actually issue any orders.

Speaking of the Alaskan National Guard, she visited her troops in Iraq during her two-year tenure as Governor. Well again, not exactly – she was at the border crossing between Kuwait and Iraq Kuwait when she saw her troops - not really in Iraq.

Her foreign policy experience amounts to two trips abroad - the first to Kuwait/Iraq and the second to Ireland. Her plane stopped off in Ireland for re-fueling, not exactly a state visit. On those grounds, Boris Yeltsin, the old Soviet leader, paid a state visit in 1994 when he failed to exit his plane at Shannon Airport to meet with Ireland’s leaders, leaving them waiting on the tarmac. According to official Russian reports, he was too tired to walk down the planes steps. Un-officially, he was too drunk.

Sarah Palin, who might someday be a heartbeat away from the presidency and who just got a passport only two years ago, is ready to lead the most powerful country in the world against all enemies. I believe you have to understand your enemies and friends before you can take up the mantle of leadership, and that requires visiting friend and foe, where they live. You cannot look them up in the local Wasilla library. Besides, look what happens when you do assume to know people without actually seeing how or where they live. You get the US in 2008 under George Bush, another world traveler before he became president of the Untied States.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Unimaginable Pain of Lives Interrupted

Unimaginable Pain
I Miss YouA Sign

Commerce and the City

Message in a Bottle

A Tribute in Light (R/W/B Candles)

Paying Respects


Solemn Tribute

Strangers Meet

Someone I Knew

Construction Continues Day After 7th Anniv.

Flowers on Fence at Ground Zero

The Seventh Anniversary of 9/11

Admiral Michael Mullen Visits Ground Zero

Admiral Michael Mullen Visits Ground Zero

The day after the seventh anniversary of September 11, 2001, Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, visited the World Trade Center site. On Wednesday, September 10, Admiral Mullen told the House Armed Services Committee, that the U.S. was “running out of time” when it came to winning the war in Afghanistan. He continued by saying, he thought the war in Afghanistan could be won, but it would require more nation building than bombs.

Mullen stressed the link between Afghanistan and Pakistan since that is where the Taliban and al-Qaeda find safe haven and plan new attacks.
"In my view, these two nations are inextricably linked in a common insurgency that crosses the border between them," he said, adding that he plans "to commission a new, more comprehensive strategy for the region, one that covers both sides of the border.
On Tuesday, Bush announced that 8,000 troops would withdraw from Iraq before the end of the year. Some troops will go to Afghanistan. According the New York Times, President Bush signed an executive order in July, giving American Special Forces permission to attack the enemy within Pakistan’s border. Much to Pakistan’s annoyance, US forces have already invaded their territory in pursuit of the enemy.

I find it very unsettling that on one hand, President Bush has in effect given US troops permission to invade Pakistan in pursuit of the enemy, and on the other hand, Bush condemned the Russians for invading Georgia after the Georgian President initiated attacks in South Ossetia.

On Thursday September 11, the Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain put away their swords and paid their respects at Ground Zero, after a solemn service for the victims 9/11.

Admiral Michael Mullen Visits Ground Zero

Admiral Michael Mullen Visits Ground Zero

Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain the Change Candidate

Senator John McCain accepted the republican nomination for president last night in St. Paul. In a halting and confusing acceptance speech, McCain painted himself as the candidate for change.

Do I have this right; Senator John McCain is now the change candidate! McCain the 25-year Washington veteran now wants to bring change to Washington. McCain, a senior ranking member of the same Republican Party that has been in power for the last eight years, now wants us to believe that he was not part of the problem but he will be part of the solution.

Awash in cowboy hats and shirts made to look like the American flag or is it the American flag made to look like a shirt, Johnny Mc spoke about the bread and butter issues that keep our patriotic American’s fired up. He addressed taxes, war and government spending. The Mc man wants to make President Bush’s tax cuts permanent, because he believes that those self same tax cuts we have endured over the last eight-years have worked. Mc believes, the Bush’s tax cuts, have left a robust economy that continues to create new jobs.

On Iraq, McCain told the lobbyists that America is victorious in Iraq. He said, if the Iraq problem was left up to Obama, America would return home defeated. No, Johnny Mc, under Obama, America would not have been in the debacle in the first place.

John McCain was sympathetic with workers who lost their jobs in this economic environment. The man, who has to have “one of his people get back to us,” because he does not know how many houses he owns, said he would create jobs that will not go away. I assume these jobs will be in the oil industry and nuclear power industry, the industries that will save America from its energy crisis.

I to this day still do not have any idea what John McCain’s policies are on the economy, ending the war on Iraq and government spending. George Bush and Dick Cheney the pervious Republican Party leaders were distinctly absent in person and rhetoric. I wonder why?

On Wednesday night, Sarah Palin wowed the crowd with her vim, vigor and hypocrisy. This pit bull in lipstick, spoke about her executive experience as a small town mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. She described her job as “sort of like a community organizer except with responsibilities,” as she took a swipe at Obama’s public service. Dressed in gunmetal grey, Palin offered more oil drilling, victory in Iraq and the same family values she pursues in her own household.

Purporting the ‘politics of fear’, Palin harped on about America’s future, which involved taking on Iran and Russia, for their expansionist ambitions. Obviously, Palin believes that Iraq is a just war.

It was hilarious to see Rudy Giuliani, the twice-divorced former Mayor of New York, defend Palin on her small town religious values.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Throw Palin to the Lions

I get tee-ed off when I hear democrats say that the pregnancy of Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol (named after a ship or something) is off limits. To hell it is. Bristol’s pregnancy goes to the heart of Palin ‘s - a right wing Christian, family first, head of the PTA, gun toting Republican - values and beliefs. Everybody should be paying attention. Obviously, Palin did not have time to sit down at the dinner table with her five kids and take the time to listen to what was going on in their lives, to figure out Bristol was heading in the wrong direction. Maybe she was too busy republicanzing the town of Wasilla to pay attention. Everything including a politician’s family is fair game in politics. Ever since the ‘Swift-boat’ incident, there is absolutely nothing off limits when it comes to bashing politicians. If you can outright lie like in the ‘Swift-boat’ incident, then the ‘values’ issue that republican’s gloat on is also an issue. What sort of values did Sarah Palin teach her own daughter? Should we trust her values should she become vice president?

Sarah Palin is a hypocrite and the values she exposes, the values she believes everybody else should live by, are not the values she communicated at home. Values like abstinence and respect.

It should be interesting to see Palin speak at the republican convention tonight. Today, everybody is talking about Freddie Thompson’s speech last night at the republican convention. The senator, turned actor - someone who could not convince himself he wanted to be president never mind anybody else – pumped up the crowd with his explaination for why John McCain was ready to be president. According to Thompson, McCain’s years spent in jail as a prisoner of war 40 years ago, is reason enough to elect him the next president of the United States. I think its reason enough for John McCain to take it easy at 72-years old. He should not take on the stress of putting humpty-humpty back together again.

In a rousing speech last night, Bush, in a vain attempt to separate himself from his republican protégé, told the crowd that McCain was his ‘own man’. An independent republican as it were. I assume Bush meant that McCain was an independent republican like Joe Lieberman is an independent democrat.

Bush gave his reasons for a McCain presidency, returning to the old martra - America is under attack – the national security issue that worked so well for Bush in 2004. According to Bush, John McCain is the man to baton-down the hatches and keep us all safe from further harm. If the British, in their war with the IRA, had adopted the same philosophy as the Bush/McCain presidency then there would be bombs going off in London even today.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Christian’s thrown to the Lion’s, by Palin

It is not so cozy on the far right now or so it would appear for the evangelical supporters of John McCain and his vice presidential choice Sarah Palin. Palin is finding out exactly what it means to be in the national spotlight.

On Monday, Palin, a conservative protestant and member of Families for Life, outed her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol. Apparently, Bristol got caught up in the bright lights of Wasilla and became pregnant. I am not ruling out that this could be another immaculate conception, but why would God choose Wasilla for anther one of his miracles.

On top of the admittedly difficult circumstances, Palin’s daughter, Bristol, has left her in, there is the revelation that the republican’s vice presidential nominee’s husband Todd was arrested for driving while intoxicated in 1986. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that Palin is under investigation for ethics violations in Alaska, over the firing of a state trooper, who was married to her sister. Oh, by the way, it is rumored that Palin was part of an Alaskan secessionist movement in Alaska.

John McCain described choosing a vice presidential running mate as a “long process, which you have to get right,” - obviously did not take long enough when he choose Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain Shatters the Mold in Picking Palin as his Vice Presidential Nominee

John McCain introduced America to his choice for vice president in Dayton, Ohio on Friday. Laughing spontaneously, as the crowd sang ‘Happy Birthday’, McCain uttered the words no red-blooded republican ever thought they would hear. “My friends and fellow Americans’ I am proud and pleased to introduce to your the next vice president of the Untied States, Governor Sarah Palin of the great state of Alaska,” he said.

McCain continued to describe Palin, a former Ms. Alaska runner-up, as “someone who will shake up Washington and make it work for all Americans; someone with executive experience and who has shown great tenacity and skill; someone who has reached across the isle; someone with a fighting spirit and great compassion; someone whose father was an elementary school teacher and whose mother was a school secretary.”

In an attempt to appeal to conservative working class voters, the republican nominee described Palin as a “a union member, who was married to a union member…..a woman who knows what it’s like to pay for gas and groceries.”

Emphasizing the historic moment, this week marks the time when women received the right to vote, the Senator from Arizona said he was, “especially proud in a week we celebrate women’s suffrage" that he chose "a devoted wife and a mother of five – she is not from these parts and she is not from Washington. She has girt and integrity …that is exactly what we need in Washington today. She stands up for what is right and she does not let anyone tell her to sit down.”

For he part Palin, accompanied by her husband, Todd and her family and wearing a black pant suit, reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s dress code, thanked McCain and said she was honored to be chosen as the Senators running mate.

On her 25th wedding anniversary, Palin described herself as “an average hockey mom, who ran for mayor of her local town.” There she said she stood up to “politics as usual” and the “good old boy network,”

In an attempt to paint herself as a maverick, Palin said sometimes “it is safer to avoid taking risks in politics. People of America expect us to seek public office for the right reason. The right reason is to challenge the status quo and challenge the common good.”

Pumping up McCain’s supporters, the young Governor stressed McCain’s war record and his foreign policy experience. “In a dangerous world it is John McCain who will prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons,” she said.

In the most revealing moment in an otherwise flat speech, the Alaskan Governor thanked Hillary Clinton for “her determination and grace in her presidential campaign. She left 18 million cracks and the women of America aren’t finished yet and we can shatter that ceiling once and for all."

McCain Steps Out of the Box with his Vice Presidential Pick

I don’t know whether is was a blatant attempt to steal some of the democrats thunder but Senator John McCain has stepped out of the box when he chose Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as his running mate. Making history himself, McCain picked the first republican vice presidential candidate in American history.

At 44-years-old and a mother of five, Palin will balance McCain’s ticket in a number of ways. She is female and this will attract some of Hillary Clinton’s disenfranchised supporters. Palin is young which will counter balance two issues – first, John McCain’s age, he turned 72 today and the relative young age of Obama who is 47-years-old.

Palin is a first time Governor and relative unknown to anybody outside the state of Alaska. It will be interesting to see how McCain can continue to criticize Obama’s lack of experience when he has chosen someone so young and from a minor state in the scheme of American politics. Two years ago, Palin was the mayor of a town of 4,200 people.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Speech That Changed American History

Senator Barack Obama accepted the nomination for president of the United States and changed the course of American political historytonight by saying, “It is with profound gratitude and with great humility that I accept your nomination for president of the United States.”

In a carefully staged event worthy of the Oscar’s, Obama separated himself from John McCain by painting his campaign for president as a campaign of the future - a ‘21st Century’ campaign, while painting McCain’s campaign as a campaign from the past.

Using his uncanny rhetorical skills, the Illinois Senator, challenged McCain’s judgment on Iraq, the economy and his ties to the Bush administration. He accused McCain of voting with George Bush 90 per cent of the time.
“Senator John McCain talks about judgment but what does it say about his judgment when he voted with George Bush 90 per cent of the time. I am not ready to take a chance on the 10 per cent when he is right,” Obama said.

While paying tribute to McCain’s military service, Obama went after his record on Iraq.
“If John McCain wants to follow George Bush in his policies, that his choice, but that is not the change America needs….Don’t tell me the Democrats won’t defend this country…. as Commander in Chief I won’t hesitate to defend this nation.”

Obama attacked the republican’s on their ability to corner the market on ‘patriotism’.
“Patriotism has no party. I love this country just like you. Just like John McCain….
the people who fought and died for America did not fight for a red America, they did not fight for a blue America but a United States of America,” Obama said. “I have news for you John McCain we all love America.”

Dressed in a blue suit, red tie and wearing a pin with the American flag in his lapel, Obama spoke about his humble roots and his working class ethics.

In a speech that will go down in history, the 47-year old Senator from Illinois made some lofty promises in Denver tonight. He promised to cut taxes for 95 per cent of working families and end America’s addiction to oil in 10-years. He promised to invest $150 billion in bio fuels and new technologies over the next 10-years and provide an affordable education for every American.

The skinny little kid for Chicago’s South Side, who grew up to become the first black nominee for president, ended his historic speech by giving due deference to this historic date in history, when Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream speech” on the Washington Mall. In his closing remarks Obama said, “It is that promise 45 years ago today that brought a young preacher to Washington Mall. We cannot turn back….America we cannot turn back…we cannot walk alone. We must pledge to march into the future.”

Earlier in the evening, the democrats challenged the Republican notion that Obama is an elitist by rolling out a litany of snow white working class folks from all over the states, who testified to Obama’s policies on healthcare, jobs and free trade.

John McCain will announce his vice presidential pick on Friday when he turns 72-years old.

In a night that occasionally felt like there was too much pomp and pageantry here are some of the more memorable lines.

“Tonight I say to the people of America, Democrats, Republicans and Independents, this moment this election is our chance to keep the American promise alive.”

“In November, we must say eight years is enough”

“Patriotism has no party. I love this country just like you. Just like John McCain.”

“In an election like this, change does not come from Washington, change comes to Washington.”

Barack Obama Picks Up Where King Left Off

It is hard to imagine a more pivotal time in recent political history than tonight, Thursday night, when the first black presidential nominee of a major American political party, will give his acceptance speech in front of 75,000 supporters at Invesco Field in Denver. Not only does he have to satisfy the insatiable dreams of a football stadium full of democrats, but he also has to give a speech that will be forever compared to Martin Luther King’s, ‘I have a dream’ speech, given 45 years ago at the very same time in history. For many Barack Obama is the living embodiment of all that King lived and died for all those years ago.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary Bites the Bullet in Denver, Colorado

The Democratic Convention is certainly playing up to all the hype that this unprecedented Presidential Election has generated.

On Monday night, Michelle Obama played the dutiful wife perfectly suited for any white working class family in Middle America, who still see the Obama’s as “not like them.”

On Tuesday night, Hillary Clinton, former presidential candidate and keynote speaker at the Democratic Convention was still considered an unknown quantity when it came to her support for Barack Obama, but she enthusiastically threw her support behind the Illinois Senator. After a bruising primary, Obama confidants were unsure whether Hillary would make a heart felt effort to convince her reluctant supporters to back Obama in this close election, but she came through in the end.

History was made on Wednesday night when Senator Barack Obama became the first black nominee for President. In a well choreographed piece of theatre, Senator Hillary Clinton, speaking from the convention floor, provided Obama with the delegate count necessary to win the Democratic nomination.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Strange Stories

I have to take note of some strange news stories I came across this week. Scientists at University of California at Berkley say they are working on inventing an invisible cloak. That’s right, an invisible cloak. This cloak will make you invisible. In order to make an object invisible you have to bend light backwards according to the scientists. Well these scientists have developed a 3-D material that will bend light. At the moment the UC Berkley scientists can bend light around a speck of dust, but that’s as far as they have gotten. It will take at least 10-years before we make anything of significance disappear.

The second story printed in the NY Times on August 11, concerns the estate of a William Milliken Vanderbilt Kingsland, a Manhattan resident who died two years ago. He was either in his late fifties or early sixties, no one knows for sure. Mr. Kingsland, as he was known, was a part-time art collector who claimed to have attended Harvard and married a French royal. Oh, by the way his real name was Melvyn Kohn. Well Mr. Kohn left no will when he died but he did leave some ‘stolen art’ from 40 years ago including a Picasso and a bust by Giacometti that has since been valued at $900,000 to $1.2 million.
The FBI attempted to track down the original owners by posting the stolen art on a website, but was no takers.

Bigfoot, that half man/half guerilla and his family apparently lives in the woods in Georgia, (not the Georgia that just stood on Russia’s toes) according to Rick Dyer, 31, a former Corrections Officer and his partner Mathew Whitton, who held a news conference in California. Both men showed grainy photographs of a body looking like a guerilla costume stuffed in a refrigerator. According to Dyer and Whitton they came across the body in the woods and saw other creatures nearby. On further DNA examination of the remains, the experts said Bigfoot was made from a human and 96 percent from an opossum.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Changes in the Political Winds

As Senator McCain got a helping hand from his democratic rival Senator Obama when Obama proposed his plans for churches and faith based organizations, in solving both domestic and international ills. He promised government grants for secular programs, saying he would deny grants to evangelical churches that used their humanitarian work to proselytize. This irked evangelicals, who feel it is their mission to spread the word.

On Wednesday (07/02), McCain replaced his campaign manager on Wednesday (07/02), for the second time in the presidential campaign. McCain choose Karl Rove devotee, Steve Schmidt, to run his daily campaign, shifting Rick Davis who took over less than a year ago, to long term planning. Davis also leads McCain’s search for a vice presidential candidate.

According to reports, McCain was not happy with the media coverage his campaign was getting. He felt his message was drowned out by his democratic rival Senator Barack Obama.

On Wednesday, democratic candidate Barack Obama proposed new public service initiatives for Americans. He spoke about volunteerism harking back to Kennedy’s “ask not what your country can do for you” speech. Speaking in Colorado, Obama promised a new Green Vets Corps to clean up the environment, among other programs. As president, Obama said he would offer college a four thousand dollar college credit for two years of service in blighted neighborhoods.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Presidential Politics

The Republican candidate John McCain has successfully attacked Senator Barack Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience. McCain frequently cites the last time Obama was in Iraq at his pubic appearances by listing off the number of days since his last trip. The Republican National Committee website carries a running time clock showing to the second that last time Obama traveled to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Recently, Obama campaign released the Democratic nominee’s schedule which includes trips to Britain, France, Jordan, Iraq and Afghanistan - no doubt in an attempt to bolster Obama’s national security credentials and combat McCain’s foreign policy attacks.

On the other hand, Senator John McCain will visit Columbia and Mexico this week to emphasize his international credentials. McCain’s Latin American trip will help him recapture some of the American Hispanic votes that have begun to shift to the democrats, ever since McCain shifted his emphasis moved from immigration reform to border security in an attempt to capture the reticent Republican base.

On June 28, both candidates spoke to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials conference in Washington where Senator Obama received a warmer reception than his rival Senator John McCain.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Presidential Politics
In an all too obvious grab for media attention, presidential candidate Barack Obama and his former democratic rival Senator Hillary Clinton will be in New Hampshire on Friday (06/27).
Unity is what Obama, and Clint want to display in the New Hampshire town of Unity, go figure.

Republican candidate Senator John McCain is trialing his democratic rival Senator Barack Obama in most national polls, but only by a small margin.

Both Obama and McCain have problems connecting to their individual bases. Obama has to attract the female voters and working class voters who flocked to Hillary Clinton. Obama needs Clinton to make inroads into this demographic. On the other hand, Clinton needs Obama to pay off a 20 million deficit left over from her primary campaign. Friday’s, Unity appearance is their first public appearance together since Clinton lost in the primaries.

McCain has problems energizing the evangelical conservatives who flocked to President George Bush. He needs both their logistical and financial support. McCain paints himself as a maverick conservative, who has no problem breaking the mold. Both candidates attract their share of independent voters.

New York Public Art

New York tends to be too busy to notice most public art projects that other cities would herald as a ‘second coming’. As the heat and humidity rise in this overheated city there is a new cool public art project on the East River in Manhattan. The ‘New York City Waterfalls’ received major publicity on Thursday (06/26) when Mayor Michael Bloomberg unveiled the project. The ‘Waterfalls’ consist of four temporary waterfalls cascading under four major bridges along Manhattan’s East River. The water is pumped from scaffolds erected under each bridge. Danish artist Olafur Eliasson is responsible for the 15.5 million dollar project. New Yorkers can see the project from land or by water from June 26 through to October 13.

The last major public art exhibit in New York that received this kind of media attention was “The Gates” which comprised of 7,500 saffron (scarf like) panels covering miles of pathways in Central Park.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Legendary 'Al Green' - NYC

An ebullient Al Green waved from his SUV in New York City, on Thursday (06/05). If I did not know better, I would say Green had one too many, if you know what I mean? Green reached legendary status for hits like, ‘Lets Stay Together’ (1972) which went on to become a Karaoke sensation and ‘I am Still in Love with You’ (1972) and ‘Take Me to the River’ (1974).

Julia Roberts - NYC

A casually dressed Julia Roberts wearing jeans and a white canvas jacket signed autographs for visiting schoolchildren after appearing on Late Night with David Letterman (06/05).

However, she was more reluctant to pose for photographs for the waiting paparazzi. After much pleading and name-calling, Julia stopped briefly turned to the cameras and stared.
Julia is staring in the ambiguously named ‘Fireflies in the Garden’ – described as a family who overcomes some unforeseen tragedy. ‘Unforeseen tragedy’ describes most families.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Cast of 'How I Met Your Mother'

The cast of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER attended a special screening for the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in New York, Tuesday (06/03). The screening took place at McGee’s Bar, that inspired McLaren’s from the show. Cast members include Josh Radnor, Neil Patrick Harris, Alyson Hannigan and Cobie Smulders.

Neil Patrick Harris
Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris

Josh Radner

Josh Radner

Cobie Smulders
Alyson Hannigan

Alyson Hannigan

Carter Bays

Julianne Moore

The beautiful red headed Julianne Moore signed autographs on Tuesday after her appearance on Late Night With David Letterman. Wearing big black sunglasses and a black horseshoe shaped bag to match, Moore waved to the cameras as she signed autographs for schoolchildren from Oklahoman church choir.
Moore’s most recent role in the movie, Savage Grace, has caused some controversy. She plays British socialite and mother, Barbara Daly Baekland, murdered by her son Tony (Eddie Redmayne) in their London flat in 1972. The drug-addicted family had an incestuous relationship.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


My eldest niece Fiona (8th Grade), wrote the following imaginative essay that won her a prize in a local contest. Maybe she will change her mind and become a writer.

Dreaming of an Independent Future

When I was only in fifth grade adults started pressuring me on what I was going to do with my life. When you're in fifth grade you are still a kid and don't really think about your future, or how you're going to live your life. They start asking you questions like: what college are going to go to? Or what is going to be your career? At elementary school it is a little early to ask such big questions to such little kids, but as you get older you do need to get an idea in your head so you have a goal to strive for.

Now that I'm in eighth grade I need to give some thought to my future and get the big picture in my head. In high school I plan to do the best I can in all activities. I believe that to get into a good college you need to be a well rounded student. It is important to get good grades and succeed in academics, but you also need to have a healthy social life and get involved in community service and sports. If you do your best you will be sure to succeed. Students need to have a positive attitude. As long as you do your best you have no reason to feel disappointed and any mistakes you make can motivate you to do better in the future.

After I finish high school I hope to get into a good college like Stanford, Berkeley, or St.Mary's. Getting into a good college is very important because it can determine if you get a good job or not. I want to have a job that pays well, that I enjoy, one that will allow me to spend time with my family, and one that pushes me to my limit. It sounds like a fantasy job, but I think that if I work hard now it will pay off in the future. I think the job that will give me all of these things would be if I owned my own marketing business. I am smart and interested in what makes people want to buy things, so I think if I manage my time and money well I will be able to have my own business in time. Of course, to do all of this I need to get into a good college. I really want to go to Stanford and study marketing techniques and how to be a good, effective boss.

When I am a marketer and have my own business, I will use my money for things my family and I need, and not what we want. The money I earn would be put toward important things like: food, water, and clothes for me and family, a good stable home to live in, and a good education for my kids. After that I could spend some money on things that make us comfortable like: a car, cell phone, computers, and savings. I want to be able to give money to charity too. To do all of this I will need to work hard and do the best I can. I believe that I can do anything that I put my mind to.

8th grade
Fiona’s sister, Orla playing softball for the first year. Does she not look the part?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New York City Premiere of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal

New York City Premiere of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal, New York City.

It was a dull and wet Monday (05/20), but that did not stop the Harrison Ford and his companion Calista Flockhart from attending the New York Premiere of Indian Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal, at the AMC Magic Johnson Theater, in Harlem. The fedora wearing, bullwhip-cracking Ford is back for his fourth installment of the swashbuckling saga, along with Karen Allen, his former love interest, from 1981's Raiders of the Lost Ark. Allen returns as Marion Ravenwood, Indiana Jones distant love interest.

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Story by George Lucas
Distributed by Paramount Pictures
Staring: Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchette, Karen Allen, Ray Winstone, John Hurt.

Michelle Williams, Destiny's Child

Karen Allen

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart
Harrison Ford

Calista Flockhart

Karen Allen and Calsita Flockhart

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart
