Thursday, February 14, 2008

Don't Write Off Hillary Clinton Just Yet

If Senator Hillary Clinton reads the newspapers or watches television, she cannot help but see the obituaries written about her winning the democratic nomination for president - particularly after losing the last eight primaries and caucuses to Senator Barack Obama. But on Thursday (02/14) workers at a GM Assembly Plant in Ohio, saw a rejuvenated Clinton, who had taken the gloves off as she railed against her opponent’s message of change. In her speech, she accused her opponent of stealing her ideas on creating ‘green’ jobs. She attacked his message of change by calling it ‘talk’ and no action. Despite her hoarse voice, Clinton gave an impassioned speech on restoring American manufacturing jobs and taking on everything from trade with China to the credit card companies.

Armed with the knowledge that the economy is first and foremost on voters minds, the New York Senator promised new manufacturing jobs and help for the struggling middle class, if only she can get past the first hurdle – winning the democratic nomination.

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