Thursday, July 3, 2008

Changes in the Political Winds

As Senator McCain got a helping hand from his democratic rival Senator Obama when Obama proposed his plans for churches and faith based organizations, in solving both domestic and international ills. He promised government grants for secular programs, saying he would deny grants to evangelical churches that used their humanitarian work to proselytize. This irked evangelicals, who feel it is their mission to spread the word.

On Wednesday (07/02), McCain replaced his campaign manager on Wednesday (07/02), for the second time in the presidential campaign. McCain choose Karl Rove devotee, Steve Schmidt, to run his daily campaign, shifting Rick Davis who took over less than a year ago, to long term planning. Davis also leads McCain’s search for a vice presidential candidate.

According to reports, McCain was not happy with the media coverage his campaign was getting. He felt his message was drowned out by his democratic rival Senator Barack Obama.

On Wednesday, democratic candidate Barack Obama proposed new public service initiatives for Americans. He spoke about volunteerism harking back to Kennedy’s “ask not what your country can do for you” speech. Speaking in Colorado, Obama promised a new Green Vets Corps to clean up the environment, among other programs. As president, Obama said he would offer college a four thousand dollar college credit for two years of service in blighted neighborhoods.


Anonymous said...

Forget about the political winds, what about the iPhone!

Anonymous said...

No posting in a month?! You might as well take down the blog entirely. How about writing about how there's no better place in the world to choose the lifestyle you want than in Hoboken, USA.