Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Christian’s thrown to the Lion’s, by Palin

It is not so cozy on the far right now or so it would appear for the evangelical supporters of John McCain and his vice presidential choice Sarah Palin. Palin is finding out exactly what it means to be in the national spotlight.

On Monday, Palin, a conservative protestant and member of Families for Life, outed her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol. Apparently, Bristol got caught up in the bright lights of Wasilla and became pregnant. I am not ruling out that this could be another immaculate conception, but why would God choose Wasilla for anther one of his miracles.

On top of the admittedly difficult circumstances, Palin’s daughter, Bristol, has left her in, there is the revelation that the republican’s vice presidential nominee’s husband Todd was arrested for driving while intoxicated in 1986. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that Palin is under investigation for ethics violations in Alaska, over the firing of a state trooper, who was married to her sister. Oh, by the way, it is rumored that Palin was part of an Alaskan secessionist movement in Alaska.

John McCain described choosing a vice presidential running mate as a “long process, which you have to get right,” - obviously did not take long enough when he choose Sarah Palin as his running mate.

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