Sunday, November 11, 2007

New York City Marathon

November 4

It certainly was not my best finish time 3:53:14 for the New York City Marathon; but I did not hurt as much as my previous marathon experiences. My legs were tired and stiff but not completely immobile when I finished.
I was back in work on Monday (11/05) and none the worse for wear. The New York marathon is a boisterous, ebullient affair with 39,000 runners from all over the world. This was my fifth New York marathon and certainly one of my best from a physical stand point. I felt ready for this one and maybe that’s why I was not hurting so much, when I finished. The Wednesday night interval training on Weehawken track in New Jersey paid off. The 20 mile long runs in Central Park paid off.
I find running long distances a spiritual experience. No matter how many people surround me when I run, I am alone with my thoughts and yes, sometimes prayers. Before any long run actually before I exercise at all I offer the practice to those living and dead who touched my life.
The New York City marathon is simply the best from a participant’s point of view because of the public support all along the 26.2 mile route. Over one million people come out to cheer on the runners; and I mean cheer them on. They are enthusiastic and verbose. It makes one weary mile after the other just fly by. As a runner you are not concentrating on your pain but on the crowds. It can be very emotional at times.

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